"To reach and maintain your ideal weight, you need to get on top of the inherent battle between your 10,000-year-old biological predisposition and your desire to be health" -Dr. A.
How our 10,000 year-old programming makes us eat to live.
10,000 years ago there was no obesity, heart disease or type 2 diabetes. Getting enough to eat was a struggle and most of the day was spend foraging. When you found food, you ate it right away because you never knew when or if there would be more. If you were hunting and caught game, you and your clan would eat the whole thing then and there. Being overweight meant your were an extremely successful member of your tribe, maybe even the leader!
So when you hear someone say "I opened the bag of chips to just have a few and before I knew it, I had eaten the entire bag", of course they did because our body was designed that way.
Cravings win.
When food is in front of us, we are programmed to eat it all, especially when distracted by a conversation at a party or what is on TV. Cravings are fueled by some of the most addictive substances on earth!
Your next hunting trip to the fridge will be 100% successful as you find something full of fat, salt or sugar.
Energy machine.
Ancient humans used stored energy to stay alive, since they had to walk, run, climb or paddle their way across the land. They had to use energy to dig for foot and to hunt. Our bodies evolved to be very efficient at using energy. To this day, our bodies fight to hold onto every calorie of energy we take in as if our survival depends on it!
"Our bodies are programmed to hold onto calories for the sake of survival, so when you try to "diet", you are really fighting your own nature" - Dr. A